*System Components
-Operating System Components
A process in operating system terminology is 'a program in execution'. Unlike a program which is resident on secondary storage, the process is an active entity. The process utilizes the resources of the system. A process is created whenever a program is executed.
Modern computer systems allow multiple processes to be loaded into memory at the same time and, through time-sharing (or multitasking), give an appearance that they are being executed at the same time even if there is just one processor.
The Process
Program in execution
Process state (see text diagram)
Process control block
Machine dependent: context
Machine independent: state, scheduling info, memory mgmt, accounting, open files, I/O
Short-term queues: ready, I/O, sleep
Degree of multi-programming: number of processes
Creation rate vs. exit rate
CPU vs. I/O bound processes
Swapping to maintain a balance
Parent/child relationship
Execution: waits for children or continues
Address space: duplicate of parent or new program
Voluntary: exit()
Involuntary: abort(), kill()
Cooperating vs. independent
Independent: no sharing
Dependent: Sharing, producer/consumer
Interprocess Communication
Message passing vs. shared memory
Blocking vs. non-blocking, send & receive
Direct: point-to-point, simplex or duplex, explicit naming of target
Indirect: send through mailbox, many-to-many, simplex or duplex, name associated with mailbox
Buffering: zero capacity, bounded capacity, unbounded capacity
Exceptional conditions
Process terminates
Lost messages: OS detects and resends, sending process detects and resends, OS detects & process is given option
Detection: timeouts
Scrambled messages: CRC & checksums
CPU Scheduling
Objective: have a process running at all times
CPU-I/O burst cycle (CPU burst times graph)
Next process chosen to run when CPU idles is chosen by short-term scheduler
Scheduling points
1. State change from running to waiting
2. State change from running to ready
3. State change from waiting to ready
4. Process termination
Preemption: process losing the CPU against its will, cases 2 & 3
Dispatcher: performs context switch, switch back to user stack and mode, restart program
Criteria for measuring the performance of a scheduling algorithm
CPU utilization
Throughput: number of processes completed per unit time
Turnaround time: how long it takes a process to complete
Waiting time: in ready queue only
Response time: variance?
Scheduling algorithms
FCFS: average waiting times
Shortest job first: minimum average waiting time
Predicting burst times
Exponential average:
: current burst
: moving average of
past bursts
: relative weights of past and present
SJF is special case of priority scheduling
Priority scheduling implies potential starvation
Round-robin: Time-sharing w/ preemption
Smaller quantum implies more context switching
Real-time scheduling
Response vs. dispatch latency
Priority inversion & inheritance
Algorithm evaluation
Deterministic modeling & analytic evaluation
Queueing models
Implementation & empirical observation
Process Synchronization
Background (see text)
Critical section problems >$" align="middle" border="0" width="29" height="28"> solutions must satisfy:
Mutual exclusion
Bounded waiting
Two-process solutions: Algorithm 1-3 (slides)
-process solutions: Bakery Algorithm
Synchronization hardware: test-and-set (slides)
No busy-waiting
Semaphores have process qu
eues associated with them that waiting processes block in
Deadlocks & starvation
Synchronization problems
Do not use the bounded buffer solution in text
Dining Philosophers
Programmer-defined operations: internal data is only accessed through the operations
Access to operations is synchronized
Issues: programming language construct, easier to implement in a shared memory environment
Necessary conditions:
1. Mutual exclusion: ability of one process to hold a resource while other processes wait for the same resource
2. Hold and wait: ability of a process while holding one resource to block waiting for another
3. No resource preemption: inability of the system to revoke access to a resource
4. Circular wait: condition where a cycle of processes waiting for resources that are held by other proce
1. sses
Resource Allocation Graphs
Two node types: Resource nodes & Process nodes
Edge from process to resource: request
Edge from resource to process: allocation
Figure 7.1 from text
Prevention: Disallow one of the necessary conditions
1. Mutual exclusion: not possible
2. Hold and wait: grant all at once, request only when not holding (low utilization, starvation)
3. No resource preempti
1. on: allow resources allocated to a process that is waiting to be taken away
2. Circular wait: processes all request resources in the same order
Problems w/ prevention: low utilization, reduced throughput
Safe state: $" align="middle" border="0" width="126" height="29"> sequence of processes is safe if any
can obtain resources immediately or from any
Example: text, page 218
Resource graph allocation algorithm:
Single resources only
Additional edge: claim edge, intent to request resource
Requests are granted only if converting edge does not form a cycle
Single resources only
Banker's algorithm
Multiple resource instances
Processes d
eclare the maximum number of instances of each resource
Data structures:
Available: vector of length indicating the number of available resources of each type
Max: matrix defines max demand for each resource type by each process
Allocation: matrix tracks the number of resources of each
type allocated to each process
Need: matrix tracks the remaining resources of each type for each process
-Main Memory Management
Memory management is the act of managing computer memory. In its simpler forms, this
involves providing ways to allocate portions of memory to programs at their request, and freeing it for reuse when no longer needed. The management of main memory is critical to the computer system.
Virtual memory systems separate the memory addresses used by a process from actual physical addresses, allowing separation of processes and increasing the effectively available amount of RAM using disk swapping. The quality of the virtual memory manager can have a big impact on overall system performance.
Garbage collection is the automated allocation, and deallocation of computer memory resources for a program. This is generally implemented at the programming language level and is in opposition to manual memory management, the explicit allocation and deallocation of computer memory resources.
-Memory management is a tricky com
promise between performance (access time) and quantity (available space). We always seek the maximum available memory space but we are rarely prepared to compromise on performance.
Memory management must also perform the following functions:
- allow memory sharing (for a multi-threaded system);
- allocate blocks of memory space for different tasks;
- protect the memory spaces used (e.g. prevent a user from changing a task performed by another user);
- optimise the quantity of available memory, specifically via memory expansion systems.
-File Management
Also referred to as simply a file system or filesystem. The system that an operating system or program uses to organize and keep track of files. For example, a hierarchical file system is one that uses directories to organize files into a tree structure.
Although the operating system provides its own file management system, you can buy separate file management systems. These systems interact smoothly with the operating system but provide more features, such as improved backup procedures and stricter file protection.
-I/O System Management
A programmable computer user input/output (I/O) system having a multiple degree-of-freedom magnetic levitation (maglev) device with a matched electrodynamically levitated flotor and stator combination and an electrodynamic forcer means for receiving coil currents for applying controlled magnetic...
-Protection System
Protection System is rather annoyware, i.e commercial software that applies extremely annoying ads to convince users of the need to buy it (buying Protection System means registering this program for at least one year period). We have to stress on that registering Protection System is no escape from its alerts as the hackers’ design is to get endless cashflow from user who once agreed to pay. That is, registered Protection System will ask for updates and extended registration. There is thus ho way to get rid of Protection System’s noisy ads but to remove Protection System entirely.
-Command Interpreter System
The command interpreter (CI) is the program that acts as the interface between you and the operating system. It checks the MPE/iX commands that you enter for spelling and syntax errors. The CI then passes the command along to the appropriate system procedure for execution. Following execution, control returns to the CI, which becomes ready for another command.
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